MOGA’s Big Hearts Under the Big Sky
Cody Carr’s Hunting Adventures strongly suggest that you take a look at the Big Hearts Under the Big Sky. This organization is “giving back” it is a extension of the Montana Outfitters and Guides Association, MOGA and is Montana’s premier program placing the families of honored American veterans, children who face life threatening illness and women who are suffering from breast cancer on fully guided and fully outfitted trips here in Montana at no charge. Our outfitting business asks that you consider donation to this organization.
In the past six years demand for therapeutic adventure trips to Montana’s outdoors has increased dramatically. Big Hearts Under the Big Sky has had profound and positive impacts on the lives of many people. To accomplish MOGA’s mission we partner with well-known national charities including Catch-a-Dream Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, Casting for Recovery and Hunt of a Lifetime Honored American Veterans Afield, National Rifle Association and others as well.
Please check out Stories and Photos of the trips from the Big Heart’s program Catch A Dream We are honored to host Catch A Dream hunts for kids suffering from life threatening illnesses. Spring bear season we were able to help the McCreary family fulfill their son Sam’s dream of harvesting a bear. Little did we know that it would impact our own lives so much more.