Hunt Costs ~ All Pricing based on 2×1 (2 hunters to 1 guide) Unless Otherwise Specified
Black Bears are plentiful in Western Montana and are legal game. We have many different color phase bears including black, brown, blond, cinnamon, and black with a white diamond on the chest. This season opens in mid-April. Hunt dates are usually the last week in April until mid-May. Four weeks only, book early.
- 5 Days Hunt ……….. $4,100.00 (2×1~per person)
- 5 Days Hunt with Hounds…..$4,600.00 (2×1~per person) (available April 15 – May 31)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $250 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. The rates are based on two hunters per guide, an extra $300 per day will be charged for one hunter per guide.
*see booking deposit and tip information below

Spring Bear and Turkey Combo Hunts
- 5 Days Hunt ……….. $4,600.00 (2×1~per person)
Spring Turkey Hunts
- 3 Days Hunt ……….. $2,750.00 (2×1~per person)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $250 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. The rates are based on two hunters per guide, an extra $300 per day will be charged for one hunter per guide.
*see booking deposit and tip information below
Fall Bear Hunting
Black bears are plentiful in Western Montana and are legal game. We have many different color phase bears including black, brown, blond, cinnamon and black with a white diamond the chest. Fall bear opens mid-September and remains opened until the end of November.
- Only $500 extra when combined with Elk and Deer hunt.
- Add $750 to make your hunt a Fall Bear and Wolf combination hunt.
- 5 Days Hunt ……….. $4,100.00 (2×1~per person)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $250 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. The rates are based on two hunters per guide, an extra $300 per day will be charged for one hunter per guide.
*see booking deposit and tip information below

Archery Elk and Deer Hunting
Our hunting area supports a number of elk herds. We are experienced in bugling in bulls usually within bow range. The elk are in rut during this season. It’s an experience archers never forget. Our area also has an ample supply of whitetail and mule deer (your deer tag is good for either a whitetail or mule buck). We have many respectable bucks in our area, definitely Boone and Crocket class.
Elk and Deer Combo Hunt
Choose Whitetail or Mule Deer
- 6 Days Hunt ……….. $6,750.00 (2×1~per person)
Archery Elk and Deer hunting season starts the 1st Saturday in September and ends 3rd Sunday in October.

Archery Whitetail or Mule Deer Hunt Only
- 6 Days ……….. $5,075.00 (2×1~per person)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $250 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. The rates are based on two hunters per guide, an extra $300 per day will be charged for one hunter per guide.
*see booking deposit and tip information below
Rifle Elk and Deer Hunting
Our hunting area supports a number of elk herds and also has an ample supply of Whitetail and Mule deer. The elk and deer use the same terrain so you can hunt both at the same time. The bucks rut during rifle season. Rifle elk and deer usually remains open the last week of October through November (varies from year to year) for a total of 5 weeks.
Rifle Elk and Deer Combo Hunt
Choose Whitetail or Mule Deer
- 5 Days ……….. $5,725.00 (2×1~per person)
- 6 Days ……….. $6,750.00 (2×1~per person)

Rifle Whitetail or Mule Deer Hunt only
- 5 Days ……….. $4,600.00 (2×1~per person)
- 6 Days ……….. $5,075.00 (2×1~per person)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $250 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. The rates are based on two hunters per guide, an extra $300 per day will be charged for one hunter per guide.
*see booking deposit and tip information below
It will be necessary to apply for a special permit. Please contact us for cost of hunts, hunting district (HD) and application information.
Mountain Lion Hunts
Mountain Lion hunts are offered December through February. We utilize experienced houndsmen and dogs to “tree” cats. This is a unique experience and we have great cats. It will be necessary to apply for a special permit. Please contact us for hunting district (HD) and application information.
- 5 Days ……….. $8,750.00 (1×1~per person)
Costs includes meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the Missoula, Montana airport. An extra $200 will be add for any non-scheduled airport trips. An extra $1750 will be charged for an additional guide for the duration of the hunt.
*see booking deposit and tip information below

Wolf Hunts
Wolf Calling Hunt – For us, this season starts December 1st and runs through March 15th. We like hunting them later in the season when snow allows us to pattern wolves and be more successful with the hunt. Our objective is to locate packs of wolves and stay in front of them calling down wind. Another successful method is to locate wolf kills in areas they will frequently return to. There is no sound in the wild that is more exciting than a pack of wolves howling back at you and coming into your calls. CCHA will allow you to hunt up to 5 wolf tags.
- 2 on 1 = $4,600.00 (2×1~per person) (must be 2 people) 5 Days
- 1 on 1 = $5,950.00 (1×1~per person) 5 Days
Wolf Trapping Adventure – This season runs December 15th – February 28th. This is one of the most effective ways to harvest a wolf. CCHA has hired one of the most successful wolf trappers Montana has to offer. Come with us to run with a licensed guide and certified trapper on a trapline that will teach you how to be successful at trapping wolves. Our wolf trapper tags out year after year and is extremely successful. Our trapline is dedicated to trapping wolves, but will also give you the opportunity to experience coyote, fox, bobcat (nonresidents cannot trap bobcat), pine martin etc. Furs obtained during the trip can be purchased at market price. If you wish to place your own traps you must obtain a wolf trapping certificate from Montana and purchase a Montana trappers license for $250. There is a limit of 5 wolves per season.
- 2 on 1= $4,600.00 (2×1~per person) – 5 Days
- 1 on 1= $5,950.00 (1×1~per person) – 5 Days
Shiras Moose Hunts

Big Horn Sheep & Mountain Goat Hunts

Prime Big Game Montana Hunting Trips Cost
Professionally Guided Fair Chase Hunts with Cody Carr’s Hunting Adventures SEND MESSAGE | REQUEST INFORMATION Call Cody Carr (406) 360 – 8106